CHENGDU, China – July 21, 2021 AIP Foundation celebrates nine-years of partnership with Chevron, investing in vulnerable communities by providing road safety interventions through their signature Walk Wise program. Through targeted education, nearly 160,000 students in two provinces in China benefitted from learning life-saving safety skills as road users. The powerful impact of Walk Wise
KAIZHOU DISTRICT, CHONGQING, CHINA—September 18, 2020 Government and education leaders in Kaizhou District, Chongqing, China, along with AIP Foundation gathered at a workshop to report on the ongoing positive impact of the Walk Wise program since its closure in 2017. Throughout its implementation phase, the Walk Wise program in Kaizhou reached over 335,000 students, teachers and parents in 85 schools. The three-hour workshop highlighted road
NANBA, China—1 – 31 August 2020 The Walk Wise program, supported by Chevron and implemented by AIP Foundation, delivered education through virtual education sessions designed to ensure social distancing while also providing life-saving road safety knowledge. The events involved a series of interactive activities to encourage feedback and suggestions from community members on safer actions as road
NANBA, XUANHAN, China — 27-30 July 2020 In rural parts of China, like Nanba Town in Sichuan, China, pedestrians are often exposed to the dangers and risks of the roads, but seldom do they have the opportunity to access education on the safe road behaviors that could very well save their own life and the
Nanba Township, Xuanhan County, Sichuan, China To commemorate the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, in honor of the memory of those who have lost their lives or been injured on the world’s roads, AIP Foundation hosted an educational road safety awareness event at Kunchi Yuying Kindergarten through its Walk Wise pedestrian safety
AIP Foundation China wrapped up a successful 2018-2019 school year of Walk Wise programming with a teacher training workshop in Nanba Town, Xuanhan County. The Walk Wise program aims to improve the safety of road users through community education, school-based road safety education, road safety treatments, and capacity-building measures, and has been implemented in Nanba Town since 2017. Teachers and safety directors from
AIP Foundation’s Walk Wise pedestrian safety program, supported by Chevron, successfully launched its first community outreach event of the summer in Tiantai Township, with over 300 community members in attendance. Representatives from the Xuanhan Traffic Police department and the local government came together to deliver important road safety education messages to children and local community members. One local
Our pedestrian safety program, Walk Wise, successfully completed its year-end review of two of our program schools. Xiaba Primary school and Tahe Center School were chosen as a sample schools to represent and evaluate all 17 program reviewed against a variety of criteria in order to measure their progress over the past year. Walk Wise
To celebrate the fifth UN Global Road Safety Week, AIP Foundation’s Walk Wise program organized a public awareness event for the community at Nanba No. 1 Primary School. 55 representatives from AIP Foundation, Xuanhan County, Chevron, and other stakeholder groups as well as 1600 students attended the event. To kick off the event, students gave a performance
Walk Wise recently completed installation of traffic simulation corners at 17 program schools in Nanba township. These corners will help teachers conduct road safety demonstrations for students and allow students to learn important safety information through interactive and fun activities. Additionally, Walk Wise installed traffic warning signs to guide drivers and pedestrians around all program schools. With 42