Vice Chairman Dr. Khuat Viet Hung of the NTSC visits AIP Foundation

October 14, 2014


Today, Vice Chairman Dr. Khuat Viet Hung of the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) visited AIP Foundation’s Ho Chi Minh City office to meet the team and express his support and enthusiasm for increasing child helmet use across Vietnam.

Currently, the NTSC is collaborating with AIP Foundation on a National Action Plan to increase the helmet wearing rates among children. Mr. Vice Chairman discussed AIP Foundation’s involvement with the National Action Plan on Child Helmet Use and expressed his commitment to these efforts. The NTSC has partnered with AIP Foundation on multiple mass-media campaigns and programs focusing on child helmet use, including the program Helmets for Kids.

Dr. Vice Chairman also expressed his aim to make motorcycles “safer and cleaner” across Vietnam. He shared with the team his research on not only what needs to be done to increase helmet use, but how it can be done.

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