Teachers engage in mobility training to better protect their students’ lives

October 29, 2022

BANGKOK, Thailand – October 29, 2022 

 If you ask any teacher, they will tell you that keeping their students safe is their most important priority. For almost every teacher, this goes beyond just the classroom.  20 Teachers from the Bangkok Metropolitan Area gathered to learn more about how to engage with their students on the topics of road safety and mobility. This teacher training formed part of the Safety Delivered program, supported by The UPS Foundation. 

The training was facilitated by the Child Safety and Injury Prevention Research Center (CSIP) and focused on engaging the teachers in different educational methods that they can choose to impart helmet safety knowledge to the students. The teachers are then better equipped to find the best way to adapt the method to students who are living with disabilities. The training focused on empathy and fun and interactive activities to ensure that the students can learn real-life skills from a real-life situation.

During this year of the Safety Delivered program (2021 – 2022), 50% of students who participate in the program are from underrepresented communities. These children often lack access to safe and sustainable commutes which means that their access to education is threatened. 

“At its core, the Safety Delivered program aims to reduce road crash injuries and fatalities among underrepresented children and vulnerable road users through inclusive helmet distribution and education, combined with advocacy and awareness initiatives which target youth, community members, civil society, and governments to address high-risk road behaviors. Through these reinforcing components, Safety Delivered works to build an ecosystem for sustainable change to better protect all road users in India,” shared Mirjam Sidik, Chief Executive Officer at AIP Foundation.

Useful links and further information: 

  • To view more photos of the event, please click here. 
  • To read more about the Safety Delivered Program in Thailand, please click here. 
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