President attends UN Road Safety Trust Fund launch, presents on foundation accomplishments

April 13, 2018

The General Assembly Hall of UN headquarters in New York City, where the UNRSC meeting was convened.
The General Assembly Hall of the UN headquarters in New York City, where the UNRSC meeting was convened.

AIP Foundation President Greig Craft attended the UN Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC) meeting in New York City. Attendees discussed implementation of the recently adopted UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/72/271; voluntary global performance targets for road safety; the next high-level meeting on improving global road safety; current and future activities of UNRSC project groups; and partner activities. The launch of the United Nations Road Safety Trust Fund earlier in the week was also discussed; the new fund was created to encourage and support road safety action across the globe.

At the meeting, Craft presented AIP Foundation’s recent successes and accomplishments as part of the main agenda, and also discussed cost savings from the tenth anniversary of Vietnam’s national helmet law in a Project Group discussion.

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