Newly launched e-books safeguard students’ lives on the road in Thailand

June 27, 2022

SONGKHLA, Thailand – June 27, 2022

 In order to achieve the target of reducing road injuries and fatalities by 50% by 2030, we must work together with youth and young people worldwide. The global road safety crisis is not an issue that we can hope to solve by ourselves. 

As part of the Chevron Street Wise program, secondary school students take the lead role in learning safe road skills for life. The students at the Woranari Chaloem school attended a five-day training session on the newly launched e-books on road safety. 

 The Woranari Chaloem school, a project school of the program, is located in a city with dense traffic. This unsafe environment highly impacts the commuting of vulnerable road users, including school children and pedestrians. Students come to schools by different means – 20% have their own motorcycles, 30% walk to school, 50% use public transport. 

The e-books on road safety are the newest innovative tool of the Chevron Street Wise program. The e-books provide an opportunity for students to explore and learn more about essential road safety topics, including helmet safety, pedestrian safety, seat selection when traveling on a bus or public transportation, and riding safely, and regulations for driving licenses. 

More about the Chevron Street Wise program: 

Chevron Thailand has partnered with AIP Foundation since 2014 to implement the Chevron Street Wise program to create a safer environment for road users – especially young children – through education, awareness-raising, as well as stakeholders, and community engagement.

The Chevron Street Wise program is inherently aligned with the Global Plan as part of the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021 – 2030 and Thailand’s National Road Safety plan. At the core of this program, all activities engage our youth to be a part of the solution to empower safer road users. Because safe mobility and easy commuting to school are at the heart of access to education. 

 Useful links: 

– To see more photos of the event, please click here.

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