Nearly 250 motorcycle helmets donated to parents in mountainous region of China

March 28, 2017

Motorcycle Helmet Demonstration Parents Walk Wise Kaizhou District China
Parents participate in a helmet-wearing demonstration after receiving their new safety equipment.

As part of the school-based Walk Wise program, a partnership with Chevron, 246 parents received quality motorcycle helmets to keep them safe while driving on the mountainous roads of Kaizhou District in China. Motorcycles are an important method of transportation for low-income families in the area. Walk Wise primarily focuses on providing students, teachers, and community members with pedestrian safety education and trainings. Starting in 2015, the program began a small helmet safety component to address another critical issue on the Kaizhou District roads.

AIP Foundation and Chevron launched Walk Wise in 2012. Since its inception, the program has worked with more than 120,000 students, trained more than 1,500 teachers, and collaborated with more than 260,000 parents and community members.

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