Maybank donates 100 helmets to children at the People Improvement Organization (PIO)

June 15, 2013

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People Improvement Organization (PIO) hosted a kick-off ceremony on June 15 to launch AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids initiative sponsored by The Maybank Cambodia Plc and with the support of the Cambodia Biker’s Club.

In Steung Mean Chey Commune, Mean Chey District, PIO is located in close proximity to high-risk roads, yet student helmet wearing rates are low. 100 students and teachers at PIO received helmets during the handover ceremony to provide protection from head injury in the case of a motorcycle or bicycle crash.

Maybank volunteers led the students in various activities relating to road safety, including bicycle-riding and street-crossing practice, as well as quiz session on safe traffic behavior. CEO of Maybank (Cambodia) Plc. Lee Tien Poh and Major General Kim Yideth, Deputy Director of Central Department of Public Order, attended and expressed their enthusiastic support for Helmets for Kids, particularly in support of the government’s goal to reduce injuries from road crashes to a minimal level.

Check out the photos!

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