Legal Development Program holds Effective Enforcement through Strengthening Road Safety Legislation workshop

July 25, 2018

LDP member Supa Chotngam, Director of Legal Affairs Bureau at the Department of Land Transport, speaking at the workshop.
LDP member Supa Chotngam, Director of Legal Affairs Bureau at the Department of Land Transport, speaking at the workshop.

On 25 July, 2018, Legal Development Program (LDP) held the Effective Enforcement through Strengthening Road Safety Legislation workshop at I Residence Hotel in Bangkok. The morning sessions consisted of two lectures by LDP members Pol Maj Gen Pongson Kongtreekaew and Supa Chotngam. While Pol Maj Gen Pongson Kongtreekaew outlined enforcement gaps and challenges in the Road Traffic Act, B.E. 2522, Supa, the Department of Land Transport (DLT)’s Director of Legal Affairs Bureau, discussed specific changes that would be included in the new Land Transport Act (the merging of the Land Transport Act, B.E. 2522 and the Motor Vehicle Act, B.E. 2522 into one single Act).

In the afternoon session, a world cafe was organized to allow participants to brainstorm ideas and come up with legislative solutions to close existing road safety gaps to improve the quality of drivers and strengthen enforcement of motorcycle laws. The suggestions will be developed into a proposal to be submitted to the Ministry of Transport’s task force on motorcycle-related crashes. Stay tuned for more updates.

LDP member Pol Maj Gen Pongson Kongtreekaew, professor at the Royal Police Cadet Academy, lecturing at the Effective Enforcement through Strengthening Road Safety Legislation workshop.
LDP member Pol Maj Gen Pongson Kongtreekaew, professor at the Royal Police Cadet Academy, lecturing at the Effective Enforcement through Strengthening Road Safety Legislation workshop.

The Legal Development Program (LDP) is a collaboration between AIP Foundation Thailand and the World Health Organization (WHO). We aim to reduce road injuries and fatalities through legislative improvement. LDP is supported by the Bloomberg Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS).

View more photos from the workshop here.


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