Leading road safety NGO launches collaborative workshop to reduce risks and fatalities on roads

July 27, 2021

HANOI, Vietnam – July 27, 2021

Small steps lead to big changes and policy reform is no exception. AIP Foundation in collaboration with the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC) is hosting the first in a range of workshops, as part of the nationwide campaign amending road laws in Vietnam, supported by the Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) and the Global Health Advocacy Incubator (GHAI). This marks an important step to contributing to lasting policy reform making our roads safer.

59 leading experts in road safety from across the country are gathered as part of the workshop to collect data and targeted recommendations on the top five behavioral risk factors that endanger children and adults in Vietnam. These have been identified as: drinking and driving, speeding, helmet use, seatbelts, and child restraints. The workshop aims to merge scientific evidence with international experience through discussion to produce an in-depth technical report to include as part of the upcoming legal reform on the road safety Laws in Vietnam.

Representatives from the National Traffic Safety Committee, Transport Newspaper, Directorate for Roads of Vietnam Legislative Department of Ministry of Transport, Traffic Police Department, Vietnam Traffic Safety Association, Medical Services Administration and Department of Legislation, Ministry of Health, University of Civil Construction, Hanoi University of Public Health, and Vietnamese-German University, and GHAI were in attendance contributing their life-saving expertise and knowledge.

Policy-makers from key agencies at the Ministry of Transport, Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Health, and other key relevant agencies in Vietnam will benefit from the in-depth technical report and recommendations from leading experts to amend the laws and ensure safer streets and roads for life.

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