Johnson & Johnson’s Helmets for Kids program embarks on fifth year

May 28, 2016

Teachers gather to learn key concepts and strategies for conveying road safety knowledge to their students.
Teachers gather to learn key concepts and strategies for conveying road safety knowledge to their students.

Stakeholder orientations and teacher training workshops have been held in Quang Nam, Gia Lai, and Dong Nai provinces as part of the preparations for the Helmets for Kids programs that will take place there throughout the upcoming school year. This represents the start of a fifth consecutive year of partnership between AIP Foundation and Johnson & Johnson, a collaboration which has resulted in 40,000 helmets donated to schools across the country. In 2016, the program continues in Dong Nai and Quang Nam provinces, while also expanding to Gia Lai Province.

The teacher trainings focused on implementing a new series of School Guidelines developed by AIP Foundation in collaboration with the Ministry of Education. The Guidelines include sample lessons, classroom activities, interactive teaching methods, and best practices for improving road safety skills and encouraging daily helmet use.
In addition to these Guidelines, which give schools themselves ownership of and responsibility for the improvement of helmet use rates among their students, parents in Dong Nai Province will be motivated to purchase subsidized helmets for their children. This effort to encourage lasting behavioral change among project beneficiaries will be analyzed upon project completion and presented to the Ministry of Education and Training for possible nationwide implementation.

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