Johnson & Johnson hands over 6,000 more helmets for 44 primary schools

October 12, 2015

Children receive helmets donated by Johnson & Johnson
Children receive helmets donated by Johnson & Johnson

With support from Johnson & Johnson, 6,115 helmets were distributed to 44 primary schools in the provinces of Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Nam, and Dong Nai in new school year 2015-2016, which totaled 9,104 helmets since the beginning of 2015. This is Johnson & Johnson’s fourth year of sponsorship with AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Kids program. The top off ceremonies were organized by the National Traffic Safety Committee (NTSC), Ministry of Education and Training (MoET), AIP Foundation and provincial and district counterparts in Ha Tinh, Quang Binh, Quang Nam, and Dong Nai, with the goal of increasing child helmet use.

Among the attendees were representatives from the National Traffic Safety Committee, Ministry of Education and Training, Ha Tinh Traffic Safety Committee, Ha Tinh Traffic Police, Ha Tinh Department of Education and Training, Quang Binh Traffic Safety Committee, Quang Binh Traffic Police, Quang Binh Department of Education and Training, Dong Nai Traffic Safety Committee, Dong Nai Traffic Police, and Dong Nai Department of Education and Training.

Mr. Jason Carroll, CEO and Mr. Nguyen Quang Trung, External Affairs Director from Johnson & Johnson Vietnam attended the top-off ceremonies, demonstrating their strong commitment to protecting children, which is the mission of Johnson & Johnson.

Among the 44 primary schools, 15 are from Ha Tinh province, 16 are from Quang Binh province, and 8 are from Dong Nai province in Vietnam. In addition to donating helmets to new students and replacing crash helmets at no cost, parents are able to buy subsidized helmets at a 50% reduced price to replace damaged helmets. 125 parents bought reduced price helmets, demonstrating that students’ parents are aware of the importance of quality helmet use and are exhibiting behavior change.

Read more about the event here.

Click here for further details.

View more photos of the top-off events here.

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