May 14, 2013
“In Retrospect,” a documentary created by the Asia Injury Prevention (AIP) Foundation about the need for children to wear helmets on motorcycles, was awarded the grand prize at the Global Road Safety Film Festival. The awards were announced on 24 April at the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) Headquarters in Paris.
Movie actor and Global Road Safety Ambassador Michelle Yeoh presented the awards to AIP Foundation Chief Executive Officer Mirjam Sidik on May 7 during the UN Second Global Road Safety Week in St. Petersburg.
The winning documentary features the heart-breaking stories of three Vietnamese families with a child injured or killed in a motorcycle crash. “In Retrospect”, created for the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims in November 2012, is currently airing as part the nationwide “Children also need a helmet” campaign.
A second AIP Foundation film “Always Care, Always Wear a Helmet” won third prize in the category of communications. The film reminds Cambodians that putting a helmet on their passengers is a simple act of caring, one among the many they routinely perform for their loved ones every day. Approximately 3.4 million Cambodians have seen the film.
Read the press release in English and Vietnamese!