Government officials participate in Safety Delivered kick-off workshops in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City

November 23, 2017

stakeholder meeting safety delivered vietnam november 2017
Government stakeholders convene to discuss Safety Delivered program objectives and development of a work plan.

In partnership with National Traffic Safety Committee and Ministry of Education and Training, AIP Foundation convened two Safety Delivered kick-off workshops in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City this month. The event brought together government officials from both the national and provincial levels of the Traffic Safety Committee and the Ministry of Education and Training as well as representatives from the seven program universities and two program primary schools located in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.

The purpose of the workshop was to introduce the Safety Delivered program objectives, activities, and monitoring and evaluation systems, as well as to discuss the coordination mechanism among stakeholders. In addition to deciding on a work plan, the program universities shared lessons learned from past experiences and suggested creative ideas for engaging youth to actively participate in the program.

Mr. Duong Van Ba, Deputy of the Student Affairs Department for the Ministry of Education and Training emphasized that “It is essential to empower student ambassadors to play a critical role in the Safety Delivered program in order to raise awareness among their peers. This program provides a new approach to road safety education in Vietnam.” 

The Safety Delivered program is supported by The UPS Foundation.

View more photos from the event here.

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