FIA Foundation report featuring Cambodia helmet interventions case study launched at the World Bank

September 22, 2016

Cambodia Police Helmets
A law enforcement official in Cambodia teaches a young girl how to properly wear a helmet. The mandatory passenger helmet law began to be enforced in January 2016.

New case studies, titled “Investing to Save Lives: An impact investment case for preventing road trauma,” commissioned by the FIA Foundation that feature results from AIP Foundation’s helmet safety project in Cambodia were launched at the World Bank headquarters in Washington, D.C. The research, co-authored by Social Finance UK and Impact Strategist, reveals that investing in road safety measures leads to significant financial benefits and saves lives. The report examined Head Safe. Helmet On., co-funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development – Development Innovation Ventures (USAID-DIV), and launched by AIP Foundation in 2014 in Cambodia. The project case study explores how development impact bonds that would deliver “payment by results” could be created to possibly attract new sources of funding, including private investors, to road safety efforts.

“The catastrophic costs to households of road traffic injuries in countries like Cambodia is too often overlooked, but if we are to achieve the SDGs we must tackle road safety in low and middle income countries head on. We see great potential for social investment to bring greater focus on this important issue from a broader stakeholder group, and open up new funding opportunities for governments,” Mirjam Sidik, CEO of AIP Foundation, said.

Other organizations involved in the case studies include the Transport Accident Commission and iRAP. The report was launched at the iRAP Innovation Workshop in Washington, D.C., and was previewed at the Safety 2016 Conference in Tampere, Finland.

Click here to read the full case studies.

Click here to read more from FIA Foundation about the research.

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