Empowering Teachers in Southern Thailand: Master Teacher Training Boosts Student Access to Education

July 6, 2024

SONGKHLA and NAKHON SI THAMMARAT Provinces, Thailand – July 6-7, 2024

In the spirit of safeguarding vulnerable students on their way to school, AIP Foundation is hosting a weekend of Master Teacher Trainings as part of the Chevron Street Wise program. The Master training will welcome a total of 84 teachers from two provinces to learn about safe mobility skills and how they can be at the forefront of ensuring their students’ lives are better protected on their way to and from school.

A sustainable approach to building capacity for teachers 

The main objectives of the trainings are to:

– Focus on how to create the school measures for safe mobility focusing the area of helmet wearing and pedestrian safety
– Capacity building for the teachers to be more trained on safe mobility school measures and assist the students to ensure their safety.

Overall, the Master trainers learn how to best engage students in learning lifelong  safe mobility skills in a creative and interactive manner. They will further gain in-depth insight, which they can impart to their students. In this spirit, we champion long-term sustainability for safe mobility in students in Thailand.

More about the Chevron Street Wise program: 

AIP Foundation has been working to promote safe, equitable, and sustainable mobility in Songkhla province, Thailand, for 10 years with the Chevron Street Wise program. We are proud to work together with Chevron Thailand to reduce the number of road injuries and fatalities by 50% by 2030, as set out by the Second Decade of Action for Road Safety 2021-2030. This year, the program will focus on aligning with the provincial government’s policy measures for schools, including helmet-wearing for all students, safe driving behavior, road safety education, and utilizing media to increase community awareness of road safety.

Useful links: 

– To view more photos of the training, please click here. 

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