Collaboration at police checkpoints aims to reduce accident rates during Songkran Festival

April 11, 2016

Volunteers stop a bicyclist to provide him with the information he needs to stay safe on the roads.

Volunteers were out in full force at police checkpoints in Songkhla Province at the start of the Songkran Festival, the Thai New Year celebration, in hopes of promoting safe driving and educating locals about new road safety regulations. AIP Foundation was joined by 74 volunteers in total, among them representatives from Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, the Department of Disaster Prevention and Mitigation, the Songkhla Provincial Health Office, and the Songkhla Police Station, as well as civilians from the Songkhla Civil Defense Volunteers, the Songkhla Volunteer Defense Corps, and local schools, who positioned themselves at road checkpoints in Muang and Sinhanakhon Districts for this special event.

More than 2,000 people were educated as a result of this effort, which is embedded within the broader Street Wise program, an initiative focused on increasing the awareness of road safety dangers and the fluency in preventative skills among Songkhla’s residents.

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