Cambodian traffic police lead road safety lessons for children

July 17, 2019

In support of AIP Foundation’s Helmets for Families program, traffic police in Preah Sihanouk Province led interactive road safety activities for students at Hun Sen Krong primary school. 

Children participated in painting contests and bicycle races, applying practical road safety education to fun activities. Manulife volunteers were also present at the event, encouraging students to share their knowledge through a road safety questionnaire. The Helmets for Families program works to increase helmet use and education amongst not only children, but also their parents, through engagement of entire communities in events such as Hun Sen Krong’s extracurricular day. 

Through this program, 943 students, 42 teachers, and 70 parents benefitted through helmet distributions, road safety education, and community engagement; additionally, 1,055 helmets were distributed during (2018-2019). As a result, helmet observations before and after program implementation showed an increase in student helmet use from 4% to 66%. 

See more photos from the event here.

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