Building on international collaboration to leverage regional strengths for safer school zones across Asia Pacific

October 24, 2023

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam – October 24, 2023

AIP Foundation, FIA Foundation, and iRAP (International Road Assessment Programme) are proud to announce a new collaboration to build capacity for all FIA Region II Clubs. Funded by the FIA Foundation, the first phase of the program will focus on the Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) methodology developed by iRAP.

This short complimentary program aims to give ready-to-use knowledge and tools to the clubs, starting with an internationally recognized methodology – widely used in road safety programs and acknowledged by decision-makers. This is also the chance for one of the clubs to receive funding to drive change in their country. The FIA Region II Clubs can expect:

Free participation in 4 online training sessions with road safety experts in critical topic areas most relevant for safe mobility project implementation
Selection and funding of one outstanding club for school zone upgrades and support in implementation

“This is just the start of a new journey with our long-term partners and friends. After more than five years of joint effort and successes to develop and use the SR4S in our programs, now is the time to share our experience and lessons learned to create a collaborative regional impact,” shares Mirjam Sidik, AIP Foundation CEO.

Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) is an evidence-based tool for measuring, managing, and communicating the risks children are exposed to on a journey to school. It supports quick interventions that save lives and prevent serious injuries from day one. This methodology is the basis of school-based programs at AIP Foundation, as well as of the FIA School Assessment toolkit.

“This new collaboration to build capacity for all FIA Region II Clubs opens up the expertise of two of our key partners, iRAP and AIP Foundation. The two phases of this programme are to build an understanding of the principles of safe and healthy journeys to school and the tools to deliver low-cost, effective intervention,” says Aggie Krasnolucka, FIA Foundation Programmes Director.

Turning theory into practice is essential to create an impact. In the second phase of this program, an FIA Region II Club will be selected for road and school area modifications to be funded at two schools, another step toward protecting youth’s lives in their country. Youth are at the heart of the international efforts to #RethinkMobility. In order to achieve the targets and goals outlined in the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda, the power of collaboration is key to ensuring that action is taken to safeguard our youth.

The online training is open to all clubs of FIA Region II. It consists of four sessions, with the first session expected on November 14th, 2023.


– More information about FIA Foundation
– More information about iRAP
– More information about SR4S
– Read more about FIA RII and the launch of the program HERE and HERE.

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