Blurring the line between reality and games, RMIT university students create engaging PSA on speeding

October 28, 2019


Blurring the line between reality and games, RMIT university students create engaging PSA on speeding
English-Vietnamese language poster created for the “Don’t Risk It” PSA, produced in partnership with RMIT University design students in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.


Students in the Bachelor of Design Studies program at the RMIT University School of Communication & Design (SCD) in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, partnered with AIP Foundation to create a multi-language, animated PSA that targets youth on an important topic: speeding. 

In Vietnam, speeding is a cause of 25% of road crashes. The students took an innovative, modern approach to raise awareness of the fatal consequences of speeding by incorporating elements of video game design to create an effective public service announcement in the form of an animation. The animation showcased two contrasting scenes, one of a driver speeding in a video game simulation, versus a scene in which a driver speeds in real life, blurring the lines between reality and games.

In video games, the students explained, you can crash many times without facing any real consequences. In reality, the students explained, “You only get ONE life.” The PSA is meant to encourage young people to think about the potential dangers of speeding and the very real consequences of a road crash.

The PSA has been created in both an English and Vietnamese-language version, and promoted across AIP Foundation platforms. On the AIP Foundation Cambodia Facebook page, the video PSA post reached over 146,000 people, with over 46,000 views and 35,528 engagements. The video also received 1,110 reactions and has been shared more than 140 times. 

AIP Foundation will continue to partner with RMIT University’s School of Communication and Design for the Fall 2019 semester. 

Watch the PSA here.

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