Big Data Screening completed in our latest innovative AI for Good road safety program, AI&Me: Empowering youth for safer roads in Vietnam

January 25, 2022

HO CHI MINH CITY, Vietnam – January 25, 2022

As part of our innovative Big Data road safety program, AI&Me: Empowering youth for safer roads, together with Anditi and iRAP, we hosted a Big Data Screening training for government stakeholders and representatives from high-risk schools – in Ho Chi Minh City, Pleiku City, and Yen Bai. The main objective was to present the results from the Big Data screening methodology and demonstrate how the data generated can be helpful for other analyses.

The screening methodology harnessed the power of Big Data with a human approach centered on high-risk communities and urban environments. Thanks to this approach, we selected 106 highest risk schools for further interventions from more than 1,000 schools. These schools will be prioritized for detailed road safety assessments with the iRAP Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) tool. Thanks to the data visualization and training from Jonathan Magson, a specialist from Antidi, we will be able to evaluate the selected schools at the next stage of analysis.

86% of participants found the Big Data Screening Methodology presented in the training useful/very useful for government stakeholders to identify high-risk communities/locations easier. One participant shared that this methodology is developed based on scientific evidence so it is really useful and persuasive. A total of 99 participants attended the training.

AIP Foundation’s three-year AI&Me: Empowering youth for safer roads program is supported by Fondation Botnar – a foundation which champions the use of AI and digital technologies to improve the wellbeing of young people in urban environments – as well as the FIA Foundation, Anditi, and iRAP. Together we are developing a ‘youth engagement app’, to offer young people an efficient way to identify and report high-risk road conditions, providing them with a platform for their voices to be heard. Through the app, government officials will receive data as actionable recommendations to make effective and evidence-based road safety interventions.

To read more about the AI&Me: Empowering youth for safer roads, please click here.

To read the Big Screening methodolgy and results, please click here

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