An ECE 22 helmet standard workshop by the FIA Community for the FIA Community in the Asia Pacific region

February 25, 2022

HANOI, Vietnam – February 25, 2022

As part of the FIA family, AIP Foundation is proud to accelerate the purpose-driven movement championing mobility’s positive contribution to society. In cooperation with the FIA Foundation and FIA Region II (Asia Pacific), AIP Foundation and AA Vietnam are hosting a helmet safety workshop. In the hopes of inspiring action among FIA Region II clubs, the ECE 22 helmet will be introduced. Defining our next step forward, this is a revolutionary, safe, and affordable helmet, meeting United Nations safety standards.

Purpose Driven workshop for Road Safety
The objectives of the workshop are to share information, knowledge, and tools around the design and implementation of helmet safety programs in Asia Pacific based on past experiences and relevant international initiatives. It will further serve as a platform to discuss and disseminate innovations and good practices around helmet safety programs at local, regional, and global levels.

During the workshop, FIA Region II club members will get an exclusive insight discovering the benefits and practicality of the ECE 22 standardized helmet. They will learn more about the safe and affordable helmet initiative set forward by the FIA, which could prove to be a life-saving force in their countries. Participants from FIA Region II will have the opportunity to strengthen their knowledge-sharing network among FIA Region II clubs and those with international organizations in the field of road safety including helmet safety.

“We can only achieve long-term environmental sustainability and safe roads for life through sharing our experiences, knowledge, and know-how on road safety. Today’s workshop is a true testament to what we can achieve when we work together. Our time for action is now,” said Greig Craft, AIP Foundation, AA Vietnam, and FIA Region II President.

Together, we can save lives.

We are delighted to welcome Aggie Krasnolucka, Programmes Manager at FIA Foundation, and Luca Pascotto, Head of Road Safety and Advocacy at the FIA as guests speakers. Aleksandra Golovliova, Road Safety Progammes Manager at the FIA, and Quy Linh Nguyen, National Program Director at AIP Foundation will be presenting on helmet safety practices. The workshop will be moderated by Giang Trinh, Program Manager at AIP Foundation based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.

Let’s take action!
As part of our Heads Up! Helmet safety project, these life-saving helmets will be distributed to vulnerable road users in Cambodia. Heads Up! empowers youth across our region to tackle the global road crash crisis by creating a helmet safety video, raising awareness of the importance of quality helmet use. The video competition is open until March 31st for all university students in Cambodia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The power is in your hands!

Useful links:

To enter the Heads Up! Regional video competition, please click here.

To visit the Heads Up! Website to exchange on helmet safety, please click here.

To learn more about the FIA ECE 22 helmets, please click here.

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