AIP Foundation shares helmet law case study at UNITAR High Level Road Safety Conference in India

August 29, 2018

Panelists and conference organizers gather to discuss key regional road safety issues
Panelists and conference organizers gather to discuss key regional road safety issues

AIP Foundation presented at The United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) “Road Safety High Level Conference” in Gurugram, India on the topic of best practices in road safety policy and intervention. AIP Foundation’s Communications Coordinator Rhea Goveas presented the case study of Vietnam’s motorcycle helmet campaign and universal helmet law, in the context of the HEAD FIRST: A case study on Vietnam’s motorcycle helmet campaign report. The study revealed that an estimated 500,000 head injuries and 15,000 fatalities have been averted due to increased helmet use over the last 10 years. The study also assessed data from Viet Duc hospital in Hanoi and Hai Duong hospital in northern Vietnam. It found that patient cases with severe brain damage reduced from almost 21% in 2007 to 13.6% in 2016.

The aim of the conference was to gather road safety stakeholders from a variety of sectors to to exchange knowledge and discuss best practices, leading to collaboration and implementation of targeted road safety interventions in the city of Gurugram. Road safety advocates revealed the Road Safety Learning and Partnership Platform, which is a global collaborative initiative that aims to provide countries and key stakeholders with road safety learning. The conference was held by UNITAR in collaboration with the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways of the State of Haryana and the Safer Roads for Gurugram Initiative.

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