AIP Foundation presents on youth involvement with road safety and the Sustainable Development Goals

November 10, 2018

AIP Foundation’s Samantha Serafica presents on the success of youth-led road safety programs

AIP Foundation presented on our youth-focused road safety initiatives at the YouthSpeak Forum held in Hanoi, Vietnam, an event that aimed to bring to light the innovative solutions that youth can lead in order to build sustainable cities and communities and live sustainable lifestyles. At the Forum, Communications & Development Coordinator Samantha Serafica discussed how our Young Ambassadors for Road Safety have contributed to the Sustainable Development Goals and participated in a panel discussion on youth-led and youth-focused initiatives with representatives from UNESCO, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), AIESEC, and Safetipin.

Earlier this year, 15 of our Young Ambassadors for Road Safety joined ADB Youth for Asia and Safetipin on a road safety data collection mission that consisted of manual walking audits and progress updates. The mission aimed to gather personal safety data around Hanoi’s Metro Line Three in order to make development recommendations to the government. At the YouthSpeak Forum, ADB and Safetipin shared some of the results of the project.

The YouthSpeak Forum is part of the Youth4GlobalGoals Campaign – an initiative powered by AIESEC aimed to activate the leadership potential of young people of the world by engaging and mobilizing them through offering purposeful and cross-cultural projects around the globe that are designed to impact and contribute to the Sustainable Development Goals.

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