May 16, 2019
Our new school-based education program, Safety With Moki, sponsored by Mercedes, brought innovative road safety curriculum to the students of Le Van Tho Primary School in Ho Chi Minh City.
Ten Mercedes volunteers and a program trainer provided 30 minute in-class training sessions to all 22 classes comprised of 974 students using ‘edutainment’ (educational and entertainment) methods to hold students’ attention effectively. The training also included a series of educational challenges where students had the opportunity to win prizes such as helmets. The educational materials focused on safe helmet use and safe pedestrian behavior. After the training, all students received a road safety booklet reinforcing the live-saving knowledge they learned.
On 23 May, we held a closing ceremony that included the swearing in of Moki student road safety ambassadors and award distributions for the 110 students who received helmets by winning challenges during the training.
Please see pictures from the Safety With Moki tour here.