July 24, 2019
The Child Health Initiative Activity & Progress Report highlights recent global campaigns, advocacy, and practical interventions to improve the lives of children and young adults around the world. Since the Child Health Initiative’s establishment in 2016, the coalition of UN agencies, NGOs, and foundations have coordinated efforts to secure safe and healthy journeys to and from school for every child by 2030.
The progress report highlights a number of key successes in this global effort, including the Initiative’s cooperation with the Government of Brazil in 2016 to secure language on children’s rights to safe and healthy journeys in the Habit III New Urban Agenda, a document which will help define urban policy to 2030. In 2017, the Initiative also implemented the first ever global conference combining a multisectoral approach to traffic safety, environmental, and urban policy for children, when it convened leading policymakers from governments, cities, UN agencies, NGOs, and environmental agencies in London City Hall.
The report also highlights the Initiative’s continued efforts to introduce practical interventions for safer and cleaner urban environments for children, including the development of a child-focused “Designing Streets for Kids” handbook for urban engineers and its ongoing support for the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) Global App, which is set to go live in 2020. The SR4S app will provide the first systematic and comparative evidence-based approach for analyzing risk in roads near schools.
AIP Foundation was featured in the highlights of the report for our work in school zone design.
Read the background here and see the full report here.