AIP Foundation and Chevron promote safe road behaviors during Songkran New Year

April 10, 2015

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Street Wise, AIP Foundation’s newest pedestrian and helmet safety project supported by Chevron Thailand Exploration & Production, Ltd., is promoting safe road behaviors to road users during the Songkran New Year Festival. Songkran is celebrated as the traditional Buddhist New Year and incorporates a water festival, but is also known as one of the deadliest weeks in Thailand in terms of road crashes.

Chevron volunteers were present at police checkpoints during the Festival to distribute hand fans that carry important road safety messages to those who pass by. Representatives introduced road users to the Street Wise project and encourage safe road skills during the New Year Festival. The checkpoint is meant to control the speed limit and check for drink driving.

Government officials, including Mr. Chaiwat Sirinupong, Vice Governor of Songkhla Province, visited checkpoints to encourage passersby to follow safe road measures during the New Year Festival. Mr. Sirinupong joined AIP Foundation in supporting the #SaveKidsLives campaign and The 7% Project by signing the pledge and signboard.

View photos from the event here.
View the press release here.

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